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More about cashback

What is Cashback?

Cashback is a discount which is applied after you've bought something online. It is either a percentage of the amount you spent with the retailer, or a fixed sum.
You can check your Cashback transactions using 'My Account' then 'Cashback Statement'.

We have a great, short video which explains Cashback.
Go to 'Help & Support' and select 'Getting Started', then click on 'Cashback' to watch. It takes just 1 minute!

How do I earn Cashback?

Cashback works in a similar way to earning points on your supermarket loyalty card – except that it's cash and it's usually much more generous! The Cashback you earn is not taken off your bill; instead it's credited to your Mates Rates Cashback account. This will usually be tracked automatically; all you have to do is follow a few simple rules:

1. Always be certain you use the click through from Mates Rates each time you visit and make a purchase from the Retailer site. On any particular visit, if you go direct to the Retailer site, or visit via a price comparison or similar site, the Cashback will not be awarded. You will also need to make sure your shopping basket is empty on the retailer site before clicking through from Mates Rates.

2. If there is a problem with your order (or the Retailer site) that stops you from processing the order online, e.g. if there is a problem with your payment, or the retailer has a problem with stock and offers you an alternative product, the retailer may treat your amended order as a new order. This in turn will affect your entitlement to Cashback. If this occurs we strongly advise you to cancel your order and place a new one via Mates Rates. The Retailer site will track your click through from this site, and if you take any action which earns Cashback, the Retailer will notify us usually within 1-3 days (the notification period for each merchant is listed on our merchant pages).
At this point your Mates Rates account will show a 'pending' payment for the Cashback that you have earned. You will then need to wait until the Retailer tells us that your order has not been cancelled or returned, then you can withdraw your Cashback once it is marked as 'confirmed'.

How do I withdraw Cashback?

You can withdraw your Cashback by bank transfer to your bank account, or you can make a donation to charity. Just go to 'My Account’, select 'Cashback Statement' and then click on 'Withdraw'. If you want to use your Cashback as payment or part payment for shopping vouchers, when you add vouchers to your shopping basket and go to the checkout you will have the option to use your Cashback to pay.

Can I keep the Cashback on cancelled, returned or incomplete orders?

No. If you return an item or cancel your order then you may not keep the Cashback. Only eligible completed purchases are entitled to Cashback.
If you have a 'Confirmed' or 'Pending' transaction in your account that you know should be cancelled then please submit an enquiry and we will remove it. Before making a withdrawal we will ask you to confirm that you are entitled to the Cashback being withdrawn. Reporting cancelled transactions is complex and it takes some retailers a long time to report cancelled Cashback to us. In the meantime the transaction may appear as 'Confirmed'. This will change to 'Rejected' if the transaction is not eligible.